

These are the candidates running for three seats on the Fountain Valley School District Board of Trustees in the Nov. 6 election.

Roger W. Belgen

Age: 60

Occupation: Incumbent; logistics staff manager

Background: School board member for 17 years; was named Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 1983; received the Marian Bergeson Award in 1987 from the Orange County School Boards Assn. for being an outstanding school board member.

Issues: Wants to continue to expand use of technology to improve instruction as district moves toward computer-based education; wants to use local assets to create an endowment so the interest can be used to expand special programs.


Larry R. Crandall

Age: 40

Occupation: Small-business owner

Background: Served as school-site council member and school improvement district advisory representative; member of the Fountain Valley Traffic Committee and Orange County Sheriff’s Advisory Council; served as director of Fountain Valley Girl Scout Olympics and county Olympic team.

Issues: Top priorities are budget, personnel, curriculum, testing, classroom size and school facilities; believes he has an ability to listen with an open mind and weigh concerns of all affected by the board’s decisions.

Mary Lou Crossett

Age: 51

Occupation: Incumbent; businesswoman

Background: School board member for five years; representative to West Orange County Special Education Consortium for three years; PTA Honorary Service Award; bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University; has 20 years of teaching experience.


Issues: Promotes herself as having experience in providing strong, fair leadership; a balanced budget; financial stability; programs for all children; and effective communication among the board, parents, teachers and administrators.

Stephen J. Einstein

Age: 44

Occupation: Incumbent; rabbi

Background: Has served on the board for six years; Phi Beta Kappa; cum laude graduate of UCLA; author of nationally published curriculum for Introduction to Judaism class.

Issues: Wants to implement new curriculum with the best materials and instructional techniques; maintain fiscal responsibility and seek innovative funding for the future; maintain environmental safety by supporting emergency preparedness programs and removal of asbestos from school sites.


Felix Rocha Jr.

Age: 45

Occupation: Criminal investigator

Background: Graduated from Department of Justice Border Patrol Academy and other training schools; has labor management training; member of Fountain Valley School District committee on use of surplus property; member of board of directors for federal credit union; Boy Scout leader.

Issues: Thinks the school board has lost sight of desires and values of community and has placed property management before educational goals; wants to promote a “neighborhood school” concept.

Robert J. Sedlak

Age: 32

Occupation: Certified public accountant

Background: Eleven years of experience in governmental finance; 6-year resident of Fountain Valley; AYSO soccer coach; member of Government Finance Officers Assn. and PTA.

Issues: Opposes school closures because enrollment increases will leave the district with no schools for new students; feels the board and administration have mismanaged the district’s tax dollars; opposes a new office building while children are in crowded schools.

Barbara A. Vogel

Age: 36

Occupation: Homemaker

Background: Bachelor’s degree in art education from Florida Southern College; taught for three years in Florida; Cub Scout den leader and PTA volunteer.

Issues: Wants smaller class sizes and open communication with members of the community; will try to find money in budget to reinstate busing for at least the lower grades; would like to see school closures stopped and the “neighborhood school” concept maintained; feels the board should become proactive in eliminating any potential health hazards to students.
