

Tom Boysen, outgoing schools superintendent for San Diego County, is one of three finalists for the new post of commissioner of education for the state of Kentucky, a position created as part of that state’s extensive effort to reform its school system.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity,” Boysen said Wednesday. The commissioner will oversee Kentucky’s efforts to implement local school decision-making, develop early childhood education programs and award teachers monetarily who meet goals based on students’ academic skills.

Boysen will know later this month whether he will be offered the post. He announced in September his intention to leave the San Diego position, which he has held since 1987.


In his current position, Boysen has overseen educational and administrative programs for districts countywide. He has also made the county office a more visible player in regional and state educational reforms, although it has no schools under its direct supervision other than the administration of three juvenile court schools and several independent study programs.
