
Need for CSUN Housing Questioned

Being a 1973 graduate of CSUN, I read with interest Sam Enriquez’s article, “Dormitory Debts Soar to $2.8 Million.”

If what Enriquez writes is true--that “dormitories are operating at about 85% occupancy” . . . “another 900 or so new bed spaces in dormitories near completion” at a “cost between $30 and $35 million,” “the San Fernando Valley is awash with available apartments,” and to top things off, “school officials are considering cutting as many as 600 fall classes because of statewide budget shortages”--then who is running this show?


Maybe it was “poor record-keeping that allowed hundreds of students to live rent-free in university housing.” So what’s their excuse for spending $30 million to $35 million when there seems to be no need for new housing in the first place?


One thing seems certain: The way to rectify ill-planned spending is to spend more. As Enriquez states: “The housing office plans to attract more residents by expanding dormitory programs, such as tutoring, and increasing the number of social activities.”

Now, that’s using the ol’ noggin.


Bell Canyon
