
COUNTYWIDE : Reading Aid Offered to Parents, Children

Parents and their children may get help with reading at the same time during a nine-week pilot program called 2 for Tutoring.

The program is co-sponsored by Ventura County Library’s Reading Program for Adults and Project Understanding, a tutoring network for elementary schoolchildren.

Tutors will work with the children for an hour twice a week, and the children’s parents will work on reading skills with their own tutors at the same time in a different room.


The program will run from 3:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Parents will also be given information on helping their children succeed in school, positive discipline techniques, time management and conflict resolution.

Although 2 for Tutoring is a pilot program, Pat Flanigan, director of the Reading Program for Adults, said plans are already being made to continue the program in January.

“This is not a quick-fix program,” Flanigan said. “What can happen in nine weeks is increased self-esteem and the development of intrinsic motivation. There’s no stopping a person once that’s achieved.”


The free program begins Oct. 15 at the Ventura Avenue Senior-Adult Center in Ventura.

To register for the program or to volunteer as a tutor, call 652-6294.
