
School spending is worthwhile

Re “Where does it all go?” Opinion, July 17

In his recent Op-Ed article on state spending, John Matsusaka asks, “Is paying the highest teacher salaries in the country delivering a better education for our children?” If by “better” he means “better than other states,” the answer is clearly yes.

This is because the cost of living in California is among the highest in the country. According to my analysis, when the cost of living is factored into California teacher salaries, they rank about 35th in the nation -- below Alabama and Texas and about the same as Louisiana.

Several criteria show that California schools are superior to public schools in these states. Our teachers are providing plenty of bang for our education bucks, adjusted for the cost of living.


Dan Dubin

La Jolla

What? An Op-Ed article in The Times that has common sense?

I ask myself regularly what my tax dollars do for my family. Sometimes I see roadwork, but beyond that, my family gets nothing for the taxes I pay.

Mike Kohl

Simi Valley
