
In South Pasadena, a Koning Eizenberg house with artful appeal

Every once in a while, a house comes along that prompts us to rethink how we cover home design. The Sobieski house in South Pasadena is one of those houses: a series of rooms for an art-loving family that looks and functions like separate buildings -- a sort of artist colony in miniature that pushes the concept of indoor-outdoor living.

Our conundrum: How can we best show readers how the design by the architecture firm Koning Eizenberg unfolds? The answer comes in our Sobieski house package: an interactive map from the Times graphics staff, specifically Lorena Iniguez Elebee and Tia Lai, whose schematic shows where Times photographer Ricardo DeAratanha was standing when he got various shots. The net effect is to see the photographer’s point of view as he walks through the property.

Look for the interactive graphic with writer Sarah Amelar’s story and the expanded DeAratanha photo gallery. Let us know what you think. We’ve been adding floor plans, other graphics and special 360-degree interactive photography to some stories based on reader feedback. Share your ideas on how we can continue to share new and novel design in Southern California.



Times photographer on shooting houses

Homes of the Times: L.A. design profiles

A transcendent perch in the Silver Lake hills
